Northern Virginia and Washington DC area
Dysport is an FDA-approved injectable used for the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles in the face.
Pain Level After Surgery
Duration of Surgery
Final Results
Return to regular activity
Resume Exercise
Price Range
How is Dysport different than Botox®?
Dysport is very similar in composition to Botox as they are both injectable treatments of botulinum toxin Type A. Some studies have shown that Dysport acts faster than Botox as some patients have seen results in as little as one to two days (vs. three to four days for Botox). Some studies have also suggested that Dysport lasts longer than Botox (Dysport lasts about six months vs. three to four months for Botox).

How long has Dysport been on the market?
Dysport has been successfully used in Europe since the early nineties. It has been FDA-approved in the US since April 2009.
What are the side effects of Dysport?
The potential side effects of Dysport are similar to those of Botox. They mostly include swelling, bruising or a burning sensation during injection and can be mitigated by placing ice on the injection site before and after the procedure.
I Am Very Interested In Coming In For A Consultation To See If Dysport Is Right For Me. How Do I Proceed?
You can either call our office at (703)206-0506 to schedule a consultation or you can fill in an online request form.
Book an Appointment Online“Natural beauty but doing a little somethin’ somethin’ to make beautiful features pop is what the Model Lift™ accomplishes.”
Dr. George Bitar