Real Patient Stories

Skincare Patient

Dr. Zineb,
Thank you so much for seeing me this past Wednesday. The information you provided me about my skin was very helpful and has definitely created a passion in me to get my skin looking and feeling a lot better. I am excited for our facial appointment on the 2nd of August as well as getting started on a new skin care regimen with you all. I also wanted to ask for a prescription to the hair removal cream, Vanica, that you mentioned I should start using for the hair growth on my face and neck area? I recently stopped by CVS on my way home and they politely let me know that I will need prescription to purchase the cream. Is that something you can provide? I hope to hear from you soon!
The facial wash and moisturizer are great! I’ve only used them for two days and already my skin feels a lot better and has not gotten oily from the moisturizer. Yay! This makes me very excited to start a new skin care regimen and get my skin looking great! Enjoy your day!*

Skincare Patient
“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.” – Psalm 139: 13- 14



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